An Other Transaction Authority (OTA) is an acquisition instrument which allows agencies to enter into transactions “other than” standard Government contracts, grants and cooperative agreements. Realizing the importance of the OTA in the acquisition efforts of the USG, ATSC has become a member of the following OTAs:
- Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) and Cyber-Technology (C5)
- The Consortium for Energy, Environment and Demilitarization (CEED)
- The Border Security Technology Consortium (BSTC)
- Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC)
- Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD)
For details of each OTA, please see below.

The Office of the Secretary of Defense requested that the Army establish a new OTA to address Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) and Cyber-Technology (C5) requirements. In response, C5 was formed. Based upon the simplicity and transparency of its business model, C5 was awarded an initial three-year, OTA with the Army in July 2014, and a 10-year, no-ceiling, follow-on OTA in April 2017. CEED also was awarded a 10-year, no-ceiling OTA with the Department of Interior in September 2010. ATSC is a member of the C5 OTA which assists the Department of Defense’s program managers rapidly identify, acquire, demonstrate and transition innovative technologies to the Warfighter through the use of Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs). If you wish to collaborate with ATSC on efforts within the Army C5 area please contact Paul Debs, President at 703-556-0557. ATSC welcomes the opportunity to work with academia and other companies and individuals who are not traditional government contractors.

ATSC’s membership in The Consortium for Energy, Environment and Demilitarization (CEED) assists Department of Defense program managers rapidly identify, acquire, demonstrate and transition innovative technologies to the Warfighter through the use of Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs). In January 2013, CEED was awarded a three-year OTA with the Department of the Army, and was awarded a 10-year, no-ceiling follow-on OTA by the Army in April 2017. CEED also was awarded a 10-year, no-ceiling OTA with the Department of Interior in September 2010. If you wish to collaborate with ATSC on efforts within the Army CEED area please contact Paul Debs, President at 703-556-0557. ATSC welcomes the opportunity to work with academia and other companies and individuals who are not traditional government contractors.

The Border Security Technology Consortium (BSTC) supports the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other potential customers within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in providing collaborative Research and Development (R&D) and rapid prototyping/piloting capabilities germane to the border security domain. ATSC has a core company competency within the Border Security and Surveillance sector for both Land and Sea Borders and as such will provide support in this way. ATSC desires to engage the OTA where it has past performance in: Surveillance and monitoring, Identification and assessment, Targeting and Intelligence, Communications and information management, Apprehension/detention/seizure/removal, maritime and land border security writ large. If you wish to collaborate with ATSC on efforts within the DHS CBP BSTC area please contact Michael Fisher, Vice President Of Special Programs at 703-556-0557. ATSC welcomes the opportunity to work with academia and other companies and individuals who are not traditional government contractors.

On May 4, 2018 the Product Manager, Soldier Maneuver Sensors (PM SMS) of the Program Executive Office Soldier, Fort Belvoir, VA, announced its intent to utilize C5 in support of its ENVG-B program. ATSC is pleased that it will be a member of this OTA. Marine Corps Systems Command’s (MCSC) OTA is a five-year, renewable agreement and has no ceiling. PM SMS is responsible for developing and equipping the Soldier with body-mounted, head-worn, and weapon system sensors and lasers to enhance battlefield domination through improved lethality, mobility, and survivability in all weather and visibility conditions. ATSC will support the MCSC PM SMS OTA with integration capability. If you wish to collaborate with ATSC on efforts within the MCSC OTA area please contact Paul Debs, President at 703-556-0557. ATSC welcomes the opportunity to work with academia and other companies and individuals who are not traditional government contractors.

The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD) has established an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) with the CWMD Consortium for use by agencies that have a need to prototype new technologies related to Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction. The consortium is comprised of a mixture of traditional and non-traditional contractors, small businesses, for-profit and not-for profit entities, and academia, representing the key players in the industry. ATSC held the Force Protection Omnibus contract with the JPEO –CBD and provided multiple support via wins on many delivery orders. ATSC will continue to support the CWMD mission with JPEO CBD. If you wish to collaborate with ATSC on efforts within the CWMD OTA area please contact Paul Debs, President at 703-556-0557. ATSC welcomes the opportunity to work with academia and other companies and individuals who are not traditional government contractors.